
Do you have questions, feedback or another concern regarding Meteostat? We are here to help.

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Please forebear from contacting Meteostat regarding general (historical) weather information. All data is made available for free on this website. If you need Meteostat data in a specific format, aggregation or visualization, please get in touch for a non-binding offer.

Meteostat substitutes missing observations with model data, by default. Model data also includes weather forecasts to improve the user experience when working with real-time data. You can always opt-out of model data.

As daily data is not neccessarily aggregated from Meteostat's hourly data, you might experience some inconsistency (e.g. due to different aggregation methods) between the different frequencies. This is expected behaviour.

Meteostat data is distributed under the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

Meteostat is not a public or governmental service. Furthermore, we are not associated with Meteosat. We collect data from national weather service like NOAA and DWD. However, Meteostat is an independent initiative which relies on donations, sponsoring and other sources of income.